Badminton Skills and Drills

4 Physical Training Routines To Include In Your Badminton Training Program

4 Physical Training Routines To Include In Your Badminton Training Program

Physical strength and fitness have always been one of my stronger assets as a badminton player, which has led many people around me to ask what I do all the time for physical training. For some reason, though, it never occurred to me to write a blog post until readers began asking for workout routines […]

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5 Badminton Lessons That Completely Changed My Form

5 Lessons From My Badminton Coach This Summer That Changed My Game

As we’re nearing the end of summer (as sad as that may be for some), I’ve begun to reflect on all my developments these past few months as a badminton player. One significant change this summer was getting a new badminton coach. I went from mostly self-training to working more closely with a former Chinese

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What I Learned From Watching The 2023 Canada Open

What I Learned From Watching The 2023 Canada Open

For the longest time, watching the top 20 players in the world play in person wasn’t very accessible to most Canadians. Our international tournament, the Yonex Canada Open, was a Super 100 before this year, and most players who came were generally at the beginning or end of their badminton playing career. In 2023, however,

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A Former Chinese National Player Coached Us For A Day; Here’s What We Learned

On Monday, July 10, 2023, I had a phenomenal opportunity to join a training session led by former Chinese national men’s singles player Lü Yi whose highest ranking was 48th in the world and occupied the 3rd spot on the first Chinese national team. Although this is a player you likely never have heard of, Lü

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Do This If Your Badminton Improvement Has Gone Stagnant

Do This If Your Badminton Improvement Has Gone Stagnant

Ever feel like you’re not improving even though you’ve been training for hours every day? Don’t worry, it’s completely natural to hit the occasional wall when you’re training. In the past year, I’ve hit an improvement wall three times. For weeks, I didn’t know what I could do to improve and found myself mindlessly hitting

Do This If Your Badminton Improvement Has Gone Stagnant Read More »

5 Must-Follow Mindset Principles To Achieve Maximum Success In Badminton Tournaments

5 Must-Follow Mindset Principles To Achieve Maximum Success In Badminton Tournaments

One of the worst feelings in the world is to train extremely hard and play like you never improved in a tournament setting. I’ve seen so many people play well in training only to play like a beginner in a tournament. After experiencing it myself in a provincial tournament this year, I realized the need

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How To Improve Muscle Recovery With The Badminton Cooldown Routine From Thailand

As a follow-up to my article on the badminton warm-up routine from Thailand, it only makes sense that I share the Thai badminton cooldown routine. Both routines are vital to preventing injury and soreness, with the cooldown routine focusing on recovery and preparing you for the next training session. So without further ado, let’s jump

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Thailand Badminton Warm-Up Routine

The Thailand Badminton Warm-Up Routine That Prevents Muscle Soreness and Injury

Training at the Banthongyord Badminton School in Bangkok, Thailand, was the most eye-opening badminton experience I’ve had. In the two weeks I trained there, I learned much and increased my physical capabilities immensely. Though I learned a lot of badminton techniques and physical training strategies, you may be surprised to hear that the Banthongyord warm-up routine

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How To Improve Your Badminton Footwork Using Tabata Sets

How To Improve Your Badminton Footwork Using Tabata Sets

If you’re reading this blog post, you probably know how essential footwork is in badminton and want to improve. In the last month, I spent a ton of time training in preparation for a national badminton tournament and tested out a ton of drills to help myself improve. In my experiments, I found a footwork

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